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Inspiration for My Book
March 7, 2016|Blog

Inspiration for My Book

Inspiration for My Book

Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World has been a labor of love. My entire life I have tried to make a positive difference in the world.

I have worked with people my entire career, either in a counseling role or a leadership capacity. Starting out with a master’s degree in counseling at the age of 23, I ran my own counseling business for over 18 years and have been in leadership positions managing a staff of up to 5,000 people.

Over the years I am grateful to have received many accolades including 50+ awards for my work or leadership abilities.

My Native roots (Cherokee) have taught me the importance of sharing the lessons, which I have learned to help others. My goal is to give people the tools needed to evaluate their life, identify their baggage and release what is holding them back from their true potential.

At the end of they day I realized that what all people really want to do is enjoy their life and be happy. We are social creatures and have many types of relationships in our life; the one common denominator with all relationships in your life is you. Work on you and your relationships will improve.

The book is an easy read, affordable and a gift to be shared with others. I am not saying I have all of the answers, but if I can touch your life in a positive way, I have accomplished what I set out to do.


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