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Women of Color Leadership Conference
May 31, 2018|Blog

Women of Color Leadership Conference

Women of Color Leadership Conference

So excited that I will be in Boston on June 22 as a speaker at the Women of Color Leadership & Empowerment Conference. I will give a presentation on Value Driven Leadership.

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Let go of the thoughts which are blocking your dreams
May 14, 2018|Blog

Let go of the thoughts which are blocking your dreams

Let go of the thoughts which are blocking your dreams

Many times we get in our own way. Yes our own thoughts stop us from success! If we believe we are never going to reach our dreams then that becomes our dominant thought. If our mind tells us we will never accomplish our goals and dreams, well that is exactly

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Leadership comes with Responsibility
April 25, 2018|Blog

Leadership comes with Responsibility

Leadership comes with Responsibility

I am honored and humbled to be elected as President of the Board of Director of the Los Angeles Employees Retirement System (LACERS) a multi-billion dollar pension fund. I am the first Latina to hold this position and feel a sense of responsibility to always act with integrity. Leadership comes

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Check out my interview on the Conscious Millionaire Show!
April 17, 2018|Blog

Check out my interview on the Conscious Millionaire Show!

Check out my interview on the Conscious Millionaire Show!   JV Crum the Conscious Millionaire shares his private story about Sexual Trauma and Healing

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

In this book, ten amazing individuals have come forward to have an uncomfortable discussion and share their stories to help others start their healing journey.

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These twelve lessons are powerful reminders of what attributes are needed to become a leader, which benefits yourself and others.

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Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World MC
Available on Amazon (available in Spanish)

In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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