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National Day of Racial healing
January 11, 2024|Uncategorized

National Day of Racial healing

National Day of Racial healing

Tune in Friday January 12, 2024 NBC News

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In Los Angeles the first people of the land are Gabrieleno Tongva.
November 29, 2023|Uncategorized

In Los Angeles the first people of the land are Gabrieleno Tongva.

In Los Angeles the first people of the land are Gabrieleno Tongva.

Such an honor to attend their event to name this park right across from Union Station after their first village.

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Walking in Balance
October 30, 2023|Blog

Walking in Balance

Walking in Balance

Recently I traveled to Tulsa Oklahoma to speak at the “Walking in Balance” facilitator training conference. So many Native leaders coming together to learn about the Walking in Balance Wellness program. Thanks to Abraham Bearpaw (Cherokee) for his leadership!

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“Indigenous House LA” hosted by Illuminative
October 16, 2023|Blog

“Indigenous House LA” hosted by Illuminative

“Indigenous House LA” hosted by Illuminative

Indigenous House is the ultimate gathering place for Indigenous Creatives, Activists and Industry Leaders. On Friday the 13th many gathered on the rooftop of the Neue House in Hollywood to celebrate the accomplishments of the Native/Indigenous Community. Walked the red carpet with Tazbah Chavez writer and co-producer of Reservation Dogs.

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

In this book, ten amazing individuals have come forward to have an uncomfortable discussion and share their stories to help others start their healing journey.

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These twelve lessons are powerful reminders of what attributes are needed to become a leader, which benefits yourself and others.

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Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World MC
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In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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