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World Water Tech Conference
October 6, 2022|Uncategorized

World Water Tech Conference

World Water Tech Conference

I recent had the opportunity to lead a panel at the World Water Tech Conference held in Los Angeles. It is so important that we all work together to solve some of our big challenges.

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The Four Agreements
September 6, 2022|Uncategorized

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements

Have you ever read a book which changed your life? For me it was “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. In 2001 I was gifted the small book by a friend for Christmas. The book was so simple but yet very profound. 1) Be impeccable with your Word, 2)

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Cherokee Nation Community conference
August 9, 2022|Uncategorized

Cherokee Nation Community conference

Cherokee Nation Community conference

It was a great honor to be invited back for a third year in a row to speak at the Cherokee Nation Community Culture Outreach conference. Over 500 Cherokees from all over the U.S. gathered to learn about Leadership, Culture and History. The theme was living in balance and I

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“Mentor of the Year 2022”
July 19, 2022|Uncategorized

“Mentor of the Year 2022”

“Mentor of the Year 2022”

Los Angeles Business Journal So excited to announce that I have been selected by the Los Angeles Business Journal as “Mentor of the Year for 2022. Over 325 women were nominated and nine women given awards at their Womens Leadership luncheon at the JW Marriott in downtown Los Angeles. It

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

In this book, ten amazing individuals have come forward to have an uncomfortable discussion and share their stories to help others start their healing journey.

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These twelve lessons are powerful reminders of what attributes are needed to become a leader, which benefits yourself and others.

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Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World MC
Available on Amazon (available in Spanish)

In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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