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Free 2 Hour Webinar “Becoming the CEO of your Life
December 9, 2020|Blog

Free 2 Hour Webinar “Becoming the CEO of your Life

Free 2 Hour Webinar “Becoming the CEO of your Life

It is free but you must register in advance: Are you looking to take charge of your life for 2021? If so this free 2-hour webinar will give you the tools necessary to make that happen. Wednesday 12/16/20 6:00 pm (pst)

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You are the CEO of Your Life!
November 3, 2016|Blog

You are the CEO of Your Life!

You are the CEO of Your Life!

You are the CEO of your Life, Shaped by the choices you make. You are in the drivers seat when it comes to your life. Each and everyday we make choices, some good and some not so good. Each decision can have a impact on our life. The good news

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

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In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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