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Keep Our Stories Alive
November 13, 2024|Blog

Keep Our Stories Alive

Keep Our Stories Alive

Happy to announce that the project I was involved with, “Keep Our Stories Alive” will be screened at the LA Skins Film Festival. This festival showcases Native films and Native storytelling.

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Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas
January 26, 2023|Uncategorized

Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas

Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas

So happy to partner with my friend Jimmy Gomez aka Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas. This global celebrity always finds ways to give back. We are both Latino & Native which gives us common ground to collaborate in 2023. So honored to work with this creative musical icon.

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

In this book, ten amazing individuals have come forward to have an uncomfortable discussion and share their stories to help others start their healing journey.

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These twelve lessons are powerful reminders of what attributes are needed to become a leader, which benefits yourself and others.

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Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World MC
Available on Amazon (available in Spanish)

In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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