When you find yourself in a situation where you are leading a group, where do you begin?
I would like to share my 7 Steps for Team Success.
I have been in many situations were I was the leader of a group and these steps are what has successfully worked for me.
- Set Goal (What are you trying to accomplish?)
2. Assessment- SWOT Analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunties & Threats)
3. Set deliverables (What are the specific things you are going to do?)
4. Develop plan (Road Map)
5. Establish Accountability (Who is going to do what? when?)
6. Execute plan & monitor (Follow plan & make minor adjustments if needed)
7. Complete & Debrief (One plan is completed, did you meet goal? What worked & What did not work?)
I hope this information gives you a overview of how to be successful lea dinging your group. Just always remember you
need to be flexible because every group is different and there will always be unforeseen circumstances!