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Now on Amazon my latest book
June 5, 2023|Uncategorized

Now on Amazon my latest book

Now on Amazon my latest book

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In today’s world there are so many people struggling to find purpose and connection. This book helps the reader develop the tools of ceremony and rituals to help them feel connected and stay grounded. It is written in a “how to” format so the reader can develop their own ceremonies and rituals.

The authors do not represent any religious group or specific Tribe. They consider themselves Spiritual and are in alignment with many fundamental indigenous beliefs. The information in this book represents a hybrid of various practices founded in their Native roots (Cherokee & Yaqui). In general, their intentions are to pray for the well-being and healing of humanity and Mother Earth.

There are many types of ceremonies including the Full Moon, New Moon, Seasonal Cycles, and the healing of others. 

They have also included in the book, testimonials from various people who have participated in their ceremonies so you can gain other people’s perspectives of how the ceremonies have benefited their lives. 

The authors encourage the reader to keep an open mind, heart and keep the wisdom that feels right. They only ask is that you keep your intentions positive, fill your heart with gratitude, remain humble, and always seek the light. 

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