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Circle of Change Leadership Conference
November 15, 2021|Uncategorized

Circle of Change Leadership Conference

Circle of Change Leadership Conference

So excited that I have been invited back to be a Keynote Speaker at the Circle of Change Leadership Conference. I am honored to be in such good company (Jack Canfield) as we speak to hundreds of Gen-Z College students from across the United States.

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New book has been released
September 17, 2021|Blog

New book has been released

New book has been released

As a part of the launch of Latino/Hispanic heritage month my latest book has been re4leased and it is already #1 New Released on Amazon. Extraordinary Latinas tells the story of 12 amazing Latinas from all over the U.S. available now on*F&c[0]=AT0pu2V11DqDfcOsGW7LIL_TjkyZnNsy4Je9irkzjPtXiTk3hGl1KrMyGstzbxTr083zQ34W8t_A52_QnVkIp07-sA-y5TopDX_zCW0mDC4hplIoViWm10-jPILRcJvEnWeiqUmLV8H75lS0pp4SH7xG6_k

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Investing in future generations
August 19, 2021|Blog

Investing in future generations

Investing in future generations

So excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with one of my mentees to talk about the Poer of Mentorship. Dalia Palsson and I will lead a workshop about getting a mentor can change your life and give you more opportunities and more confidence. This is part of a program

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Dr Fred’s podcast ” Welcome to Humanity”
August 13, 2021|Blog

Dr Fred’s podcast ” Welcome to Humanity”

Dr Fred’s podcast ” Welcome to Humanity”

Had a chance to sit down with Dr Fred Moss on his show “Welcome to Humanity”

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Yo También: Stories of Healing and Hope

In this book, ten amazing individuals have come forward to have an uncomfortable discussion and share their stories to help others start their healing journey.

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Available on Amazon

These twelve lessons are powerful reminders of what attributes are needed to become a leader, which benefits yourself and others.

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Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World MC
Available on Amazon (available in Spanish)

In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it.

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